Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Very Important Video

Ruby's First Birthday

I made the cake, hence the horribly done lettering. I can create text on a computer, but not on a cake! It was delicious, dark chocolate cake and cream cheese frosting...which I dyed myself. Amelia helped me find the cake pan at WalMart. It's pretty nifty(one of those silicone ones and it has pull apart pieces so you don't have to slice it).

Most of Ruby's little friends couldn't make it. Grant (my nephiew) and Claire (my cousin) were the only kiddos who made it. Also attending were me, Scott, Mammy & Pappy(my parents), Nanny, Amber(cuz), Auntie, and Amber & Daryl (Bro & his wife).

Claire helped Ruby open her gifts. Ruby got too busy trying to chase the cat. She didn't sit still until cake time.

Bath tub Tugboat and Animal Friends from Claire.

Time for cake....
She's not real sure about this big orange thing.....

First taste of cake....

savoring.... thinking.....

I can't believe they let me eat THIS!

...and Daddy knows about this too??

It's a dream come true.

Afterwards, Ruby had to get a bath, bottle and a nap! We had so much fun and good food & presents too!

Pumpkin Patch

Yep, we went to the pumpkin patch too... I insisted. I wanted Ruby's 1yr. old pics to be in/near pumpkins. Can you believe the large ones were $25? JEEZ! I remember I probably spent that on like 7 pumpkins one year. I have a fondness for carving them and this year, I've already done one for Ruby's birthday party... I guess I need to post that too! HA! I'm behind and getting ahead of myself so things will be out of order blog-wise.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables

This is a post from another mom who's on a mommy site that I'm on. This just goes to show that the corn post is even more valid. I'm waiting to hear back from her on where this article came from.

FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables

by Mike Adams (see all articles by this author)

(NaturalNews) The FDA has announced that beginning today, spinach and lettuce sold across the United States may now be secretly irradiated before it reaches grocery store shelves. What's "secret" about it? The FDA previously decided that irradiation warning stickers would not be required on any food items because it would be "too confusing to consumers." (The word IRRADIATION apparently has too many letters to be understood to food buyers.) Thus, irradiated foods will not be labeled as such, and consumers are going to be left in the dark about all this (except for those who actually eat the irradiated food, in which case they will glow in the dark).

The FDA, of course, insists that the levels of irradiation used to kill e.coli will have no effect whatsoever on the nutritional value of the food. This astonishing statement comes from an agency that doesn't believe food has any nutritional value in the first place, so lowering the value to zero by destroying all the phytonutrients does not, in the opinion of the FDA, alter its nutritional value at all. Thus, destroying all the anti-cancer nutrients in a head of broccoli merely brings that broccoli into "compliance" as a non-functional food, according to the FDA.

Radiation, of course, destroys delicate phytochemicals in plants -- the very phytochemicals protecting consumers against cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol, inflammation and other diseases. Microwaving broccoli, for example, destroys up to 98% of its anti-cancer nutrients. (The FDA has not yet acknowledged this scientific fact, either.) In a similar way, irradiating food destroys much of its nutritional content, including vitamins, carotenoids, anthocyanins and other delicate protective nutrients that are right now providing the last, desperate nutritional defense against the American diet of meat, milk, fried foods and processed junk.

Irradiating fresh produce will leave the U.S. population is a state of extreme deficiency in protective plant-based nutrients.

Does the FDA plan to destroy the health of the U.S. population?

Many people suspect that's what the FDA really wants. A nutritionally- deficient, disease-ridden population would mean a windfall of profits for the FDA's buddies in Big Pharma -- the folks who sell patented medications at monopoly prices. With the food supply destroyed by radiation, ordinary people would have virtually no remaining sources of protective phytonutrients!

In promoting this food radiation policy, the FDA has accomplished what all the terrorists in the world could not: The mass irradiation of the U.S. food supply -- much like setting off a dirty bomb over the nation's farms (but with less radiation). This destruction of the nutritional value of the food supply is a far greater threat to the health of the U.S. population than any terrorist event, including 9/11. And yet it is being done by our own people, TO our own people, by a lawless agency that answers to no one. FDA officials are not voted into office by the People; they are appointed by politicians. They answer to no one, they refuse to follow federal law, and they operate as tyrants over a quarter of the U.S. economy.

And now they have taken it upon themselves to destroy the national food supply.

We should be more than just alarmed -- we should be outraged! The FDA has committed an act of war against the People. With this decision, the FDA has firmly positioned itself as an enemy of the People, and a bringer of death and disease to the nation. Why are our elected representatives in Washington allowing this madness?

Think about this: If the FDA has its way:

• All your food will be irradiated, pasteurized or killed
• All your children will be vaccinated
• All your medicine will be based on pharmaceuticals
• All your free speech about health will be suppressed
• All informative labeling on food and supplements will be outlawed
• Growing and selling non-irradiated garden vegetables will become a crime!

Today it's spinach and lettuce; tomorrow it's all fresh produce

Don't think the FDA will stop with spinach and lettuce, either. They're already talking about irradiating tomatoes, peppers and onions. Before long, radiation could become mandatory for ALL fresh produce, and all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are supposed to contain health-protecting nutrients will be transformed into sterile, inert plant mass with no health benefits at all. (Brilliant scam, huh?)

This is by design. I believe the FDA wants the American public to be sickened and diseased. Why else would they ban Free Speech about healing foods like cherries, broccoli and garlic? Why would they outlaw the selling of herbs and nutritional supplements that claim to treat and prevent disease? The FDA wants you to be sick, enslaved and medicated, and irradiating the food supply is the quickest way to accomplish that.

He who controls the food controls the People.

He who destroys the food can profit from the People's sickness.

The FDA's crimes against humanity

In pushing this radiation agenda, the FDA is committing a crime against humanity -- a nutritional atrocity that violates fundamental human rights. And yet the FDA's top decision makers continue to operate with zero oversight and zero accountability. They make decisions in a corporate-sponsored vacuum, absent any input from reasonable, health-conscious consumers or scientists. And because they have been granted tyrannical powers by Congress, the FDA operates above the law.

It is not subject to any laws whatsoever; not even the U.S. Constitution which is supposed to protect the People's right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" (as stated in the Declaration of Independence) .

The mass irradiation of the food supply is a violation of the "Life" part of that phrase, wouldn't you agree? If we can no longer buy nourishing foods with their nutrients intact, then we are all doomed to degenerative disease and death... but not before paying out our life savings to doctors, drug companies and hospitals. That's the evil genius of the food irradiation plot: It kills you slowly, at just the right pace to drain your bank account before you expire from malnutrition.

I truly believe this irradiation of the food supply is the beginning of the end of America. No nation can survive the destruction of its food supply. The FDA is dooming America to a slow, painful, medicated death. In a generation, this nation will be lost, destroyed from within by short-sighted tyrants who violated nature and left the People to rot.

What you can do right now to fight this latest transgression by the FDA

For starters, you can:

1) Grow your own food. A little gardening is good. Grow whatever you can, even if it's just a few kitchen herbs.

2) Buy your food at farmer's markets, coops and CSAs. See http://www.localhar vest.org/ csa

3) Ask your grocery store if they are buying irradiated spinach. If they don't know, demand they find out!

4) Raise hell with your Senators and Congress people, demanding they pass new laws protecting consumers from the FDA and its plot to destroy the nutritional value of the food supply.

Also, listen to two podcasts I've posted on this topic. The first was recorded several months ago, where I publicly predicted the FDA would do exactly what we're seeing right now. Listen to that podcast here: http://www.naturaln ews.com/Index- Podcas...

The second podcast was just posted today. I recorded it right before writing this article. It goes into much greater detail about the FDA's plot to destroy the health of the U.S. population. You can listen to that here: http://www.naturaln ews.com/Index- Podcas...

Finally, don't stand for this food supply madness! Raise your voice. Write your local paper, call your representatives in Washington and tell them you strongly oppose the irradiation of the food supply. Teach people about phytonutrients. And stay tuned to NaturalNews as we continue to cover this important story.

The FDA has gone mad. Criminally mad. It is an agency that will literally kill you if given the chance, and it is up to all of us to stop this madness before we lose our health, our children and our very nation.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Brewing Up a Green Tea Facial Regimen

Brewing Up a Green Tea Facial Regimen
August 21, 2008; Page D8
~from The Wall Street Journal

For Lina Tanaka, green tea isn't just the perfect thirst quencher. The skin-products expert believes it's also great for her skin.

Alanna Cavanagh

Ms. Tanaka, co-founder of the Tokyo-based skin-care company Medical Research International, has made the inexpensive product into a central element of her daily skin regimen.

The medicinal properties of green tea have long been documented in Asia. Green tea contains chemical substances called polyphenols, which are antioxidants that mitigate the damage free radicals cause to the skin.

When Ms. Tanaka brews her daily cup in the morning, she sets aside a small serving to cool. Once the tea feels cold to the touch, she uses it to tone her skin. Ms. Tanaka likes to pour a little of the tea into her palms and splash it directly onto her face, but it's also fine to use cotton puffs, she says. She follows up with her usual facial creams so that the watery concoction doesn't dry out her skin.

Ms. Tanaka uses widely available brands in tea bags, but loose leaves also work, she says. "It's so cheap and natural," says Ms. Tanaka, whose company brings U.S. cosmetics to Japan, including those from Iredale Mineral Cosmetics Ltd. and Jan Marini Skin Research Inc. Medical Research International opened Japan's first Jane Iredale store in Tokyo's Isetan department store in February.

After her morning regimen, Ms. Tanaka transfers any tea she has left into a little spray bottle, which she carries in her handbag. Spritzing her face during the day soothes her skin, "and it's a great way to refresh," she says.

Ms. Tanaka makes sure to fill the spray bottle with fresh tea every day, because green-tea polyphenols start losing their strength when they are exposed to the air, she says.

In the evenings -- especially after a busy day -- Ms. Tanaka likes to use green tea bags to soothe her eyes. She steeps two bags in lukewarm water, then places them directly on her eyelids for about 10 minutes. She sometimes soaks cotton facial masks with green tea for a homemade facial. The facial is a treat for the summer, Ms. Tanaka says, because green tea can reduce inflammation and help lessen sunburn. But here, too, she uses moisturizing creams afterward to avoid drying.

And, of course, Ms. Tanaka simply enjoys drinking green tea. "Replace sodas with green tea, and you'll be much healthier," she says.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Contemplating Corn

Sometimes I get in these contemplative moods. When something bugs me or I find it facinating I almost obsess on it. In fact, I love to dissect things in my mind over and over. I'm the same way with music. However this particular subject has absolutely nothing to do with music. It's about a documentary I watched over the weekend.

Ironically, it has to do with corn. After reading Debbi's post on her list of things she loved about Iowa, I could just see all that golden corn shining in the sun. Late last week a mom friend of mine let me borrow a DVD called King Corn. If you haven't do yourself a favor and rent/netflix it. It will get your mind flowing and questioning, perhaps, why a bag of groceries of basic items cost so much(we spend around $20/bag) and yet there's piles of corn stocked up as high as the sky that is completely inedible.

It was made by 2 guys from Boston who became college friends and coincedentally their great grandfathers were from the same town back in Iowa. They were interested in their DNA and what they were made of. Upon being tested, they found out that most of the stuff in their hair was corn based. So that inspired the guys to do this documentary. The moved themselves to Iowa to grow an acre of corn and track where it goes and how it gets in their (our) bodies.

You'll be amazed with their journey. You'll learn about some things that you may find disturbing.... such as the amount of corn that's grown, what kind it is and where it goes... or doesn't. You'll also learn about the cows that corn feeds and what it does to their bodies which is what keeps playing over and over in my mind.

Having watched this has again made me question what's going on in our government. As a nation we are ignorant of so many things that go on. It's things like this little documentary that open our eyes, raise that blind curtain and allow us to really know information that our government and big business either doesn't want us to know or volutneers to tell us.

Check out the links embedded in this article.... do some googling too..... you'll start to wonder why the obesity and diabetic rates are so high. If you're drinking diet cokes, you're only kidding yourself. It's not any better than the real thing. Plan on having diabetes later (or sooner) in life if you drink sodas daily.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about various things lately so more blogs will come in the future.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Why men shouldn't baby sit.....

I am not normally into forwarding things, but since I figure most of the people who are going to read my blog are moms...... it's appropriately funny.

Friday, August 1, 2008

6 Minutes of Blueberries

It's pretty self explanatory in the title.

I'd like to add a little note. Debbi asked when would I be making a post/start writing on here so I figured, to commemorate her moving that I'd get crackin. I used to write tons of stuff on my blog on myspace, but after changing my lifestyle a bit and having Ruby I've just dropped it from my routine. (aside from the fact I don't keep up with news and politics because squeezing that in just means I have to leave something more important unfinished or completely not done)

As I write this, Ruby screams for more blueberries, hence the lack of time to write more and often. It's probably better because I do like to rant, stir things up and cause trouble, as well as drop in useless thoughts and information and random creative tidbits.