Thursday, May 28, 2009

Green Baby Bargains

At 12:00 pm EST, Monday - Friday, we bring you our latest "green" baby bargain, and you have until it's gone to scoop it up, and spread the word! And, then we do it all over again the next day! Our bargains start at 50% off the retail price on all items featured!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Object, Parenting Magazine

I wanted to share this. I think the photos are so sweet. Click each image to view article page. Sorry I am not recopying the type. :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Website updated

Hey everyone! I finally (after a year) have pretty much finished my website. In another month or so I'll have some new paintings up too. I'm currently taking an oil painting class so I can have a night off & it's going well. Enjoy & critque me if you'd like!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Shamwow Guy & Neti Pot

Where did the fall go?

So I know it's been a looooong time since I have posted. I'd like to say that "I'm back" but I can't promise anything. Since the birthday post, life has kept me running. Not even 3 weeks after coming back to L.A., my dad had an open heart quadruple bipass on spur of the moment. I flew in the day he had surgery. Ruby & I were home through Thanksgiving.

Sorry for not socializing with anyone while we were home. I didn't even go down to Monroe. I was here strictly in support of family.... hauling wood for mom, cooking, grocery buying, getting on my dad's a** about his diet, weight, etc.

In early December, we came back to L.A. and was in the Christmas hustle bustle for a while. At last minute, I had Ruby's pic made with Santa at the mall. I vowed that I would never do that to my kid. And yet, here is the evidence that I caved in. We were so rushed that I didn't even notice until after that her pants were all jacked up.

After Christmas (the day after), we flew to North Carolina to visit Scott's sister & parents at their beach house. We had a lovely week of relaxation on the other coast. We over-indulged in sweets and played Wii. I never in the world thought I would be into another game system since the original Nintendo, but that thing rocks. As soon as some are in stock again, I will be getting a Wii fit to try to get fit. Not being a 10 anymore is starting to take a toll on me. ;)

It's raining today. Ruby is about to climb the walls and I'm about to sink into a panic because I have no idea what to do or where to take her. It's L.A., you think there would be SOMETHING to take her to do. But no... we've already been to music class yesterday and I'm broke until some payments come through on work. We've had the TV on 2/3rds of the day and I really hate it. Right now, I just turned on Fraggle Rock for her, courtesy of Amelia. I think I may take her to get some soft serve before she eats the toilet paper roll she's holding in her hand.

I'll leave you with a video from N.C. Enjoy and hopefully there will be a more uplifting & photogenic blog soon!